28. The National Secretariat

  1. There shall be a National Secretariat consisting of paid employees of the Party with such structures and offices as defined by the National Executive Committee, provided that all employees in the Secretariat shall:
    1. Subscribe to the aims and objectives of the Party; and
    2. Be vetted and approved by the Finance and Administration Committee and confirmed by the National Executive committee.
  1. No member of staff shall be allowed to hold any position in any Party structure. Any member of staff who wishes to contest any election for any political position, within or outside the party shall resign from his office within six months from the date of such Assembly where the election will be held.

29. Death or Resignation of Office Bearers

  1. In the event of the death or resignation of the Party leader, the deputy party leader assumes the role of Acting Party leader, pending the holding of an Extra-Ordinary Conference that shall be held to elect a new Party leader which Extra-Ordinary Conference to be held no later than a year from the death or resignation of the former Party leader.
  2. In the event of the death or resignation of the National Chairperson, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, the National Organizing Secretary the Chairpersons of the Women and Youth Assemblies, their deputies shall respectively hold office until the next Conference.
  3. Subject to this Constitution, in the event of the death or resignation of any other member of the National Council, the same shall elect a person to fill that vacancy pending the next Congress.