7: Rights and Duties of CCM Member(s)

Chama Cha Mashinani [CCM] member shall be entitled to the following rights and duties;


  • Rights

A member of the   CCM is entitled to:

  1. Take a full and active part in the discussion, formulation and implementation of the policy of the
  2. Take part in elections and may be elected or appointed to any committee, structure, commission or delegation of CCM.
  3. Receive copies of the party’s documents, including the constitution, the manifesto, nomination rules and all available information about their local polling committee, upon payment of requisite fee.


A member of the   CCM may:

  1. Belong to and take an active part in the activities of the party ,
  2. Take all necessary steps to understand and carry out aims, policies and programmes of  CCM and explain the same to the public.
  3. Deepen his or her understanding of the social, cultural, political and economic problems of the county and the country.
  4. Participate in elections at all levels.
  5. Combat propaganda detrimental to the interests of CCM and defend the policy aims and programmes of CCM.
  6. Fight against, tribal chauvinism, religious and political intolerance or any other form of discrimination.
  7. CCM members who hold elective positions are required to be members of the appropriate caucuses, to function within its rules and to abide by its collective decisions and that of other organs of the party.